Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sex on Facebook

That soclai networking sites are a great way of striking up new friendships is nothing new – but a new survey carried out by magazines Shape and Men’s Fitness has revealed that almost four out five women and three and out five men agree that using Facebook and other services results in new couples having sex much sooner.

Around 1,200 people participated in the survey, and almost 80% of women, and 58% of men said that social networks had helped them have sex in some way.
How do lovers stay in touch? According to the results, the text message is the first form of contact. And 70% of women, and 63% of men go on Google to find out information about potential partners. And if that wasn’t enough, apparently 72% of women admitted that after getting together with someone, they look up their boyfriend’s ex-girlfriends on Facebook.
Up until a few years ago, a good chat in a cafe would have been the best way to go about a break-up – but today, at least that 43% of women and 27% of men say that they have been dumped via social networks.
Whilst the survey reveals some interesting facts, the best thing is that singletons out there now know they can speed up the process of hooking up with somebody with the help of social networking sites – especiallyFacebook.